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Presentation & Events

■ The Effect of the Cancellation of the Master Plan on the Legal Condition of the Parts of the Building Built in accordance with the License and the Evaluation of Results Regarding the Impossibility of Performance in Construction Contracts in This Context within the Framework of Judicial Decisions. (Symposium on Construction Law - 2022).

■ Revenue Sharing Construction contract, Its Legal Nature and Problems in Its Practice (Congress of Selçuk Law School, 2020).

■ The Legal Stabuıs of Autonomous Systems Equipped with Artificial lntelligence in Terms of Liability Law (8th International Conference on Law Society / ICLAS-2019).

■ Causes of the Urban Transformation Regime in Türkiye, Its Application and Some Effects on Private Law, (International Congress On Political, Economic And Social Studies (ICPESS) -2017).

■ Binding the Legal Entity by its Organs in Civil Law Legal Entities (Symposium on International Social Sciences / ASEAD - 2017).