Employment & Labour

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Employment & Labour

Assisting its clients or businesses in the field of employment and labor, KULAKLI LEGAL provides preventive or resolving services that may arise especially in the preparation, negotiation and conclusion of individual and collective labor agreements and in the legal relationship between the parties during these processes.

In addition, KULAKLI LEGAL represents its clients in mediation and litigation processes regarding workers' severance and other compensations, termination of employment contract, work accidents, bodily damages arising from the profession, recourse claims, retirement, workplace safety and other social security rights.

Within the scope of internal structuring studies, KULAKLI LEGAL also deals with issues such as performance evaluations, personnel directives, the duty of care and loyalty of the worker, the obligation of confidentiality and the prohibition of non-competition.

At last but not least, KULAKLI LEGAL provides services to defend the rights of its clients in case of mobbing and similar behaviors contrary to the right to personality in the workplace.